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Binding cursor to plot area

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I am having a problem with cursor in an intensity plot. I am using two cursor in the intensity plot and using position of those cursor in my program. The input file is a 2-D array and size of file (array) differ from one experiment to other. Sometimes when i load my file the cursor moves to some value from previous file and thus is not visible in the plot (because previous file may have bigger size). Is there a way to bound cursor to say at certain position (like in center of plot or half value of size of X- and Y-axis). So in summary i want that when i load my 2D file the cursor in intensity plot should be at certain position based on size of X- and Y-axis but it should be freely drag-able so that i can move it around and use the position of cursor using property node to calculate other values.

BTW i am using Labview 8.2




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Add a property node to move the cursor to the desires position (e.g. based on the size of the 2D array) whenever a new file is loaded.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Which property node dod i have to select to bound cursors to specific position in a intensity plot.




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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Yogesh9ic

Just write the cursor position to move the cursor to the desired coordinates. For example if your new 2D array is 50x50, move it to 25,25.


Later you can intereactively move it elsewhere as before.


You should also disable cursor autoscrolling (right-click..advanced...cursors scroll graphs). This way you will not be able to move the curor outside the current plot area boundaries.

Message 4 of 6

Hi There,


I used cursor position property node and now my cursor is bound to plot area but i actually have two cursor. I am wondering how can i bind the other one.




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Message 5 of 6

Property nodes execute top-to-bottom. You first set the active cursor, the apply the property, e.g. as follows:


Message Edited by altenbach on 05-31-2009 12:38 PM
Message 6 of 6