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Blood pressure monitoring

Hello engineers i need to Design a VI that measures blood pressure (BP) values as follows:

1.    The VI should display two arrays of integer values, one for systolic and the other for diastolic, the systolic ranges from (100 – 200) and the diastolic ranges from (70-80).

2.    The VI continue running until the systolic value greater than 180 or diastolic value less than 75.

3.    The VI should display new BP value every 0.5 second.

4.    A visual alarm (LED) on the front panel should be ON if the systolic value greater than 180 or diastolic value less than 75.

5.    The VI should calculate the average of last three measurements for systolic values and for the diastolic values and displays the results on the front panel.

6.    Display the diastolic pressure value after 2 seconds from execution.

7.    Calculate the execution time in milliseconds of this VI and display it on the front panel.

Design a VI that measures blood pressure (BP) values as follows:

1.    The VI should display two arrays of integer values, one for systolic and the other for diastolic, the systolic ranges from (100 – 200) and the diastolic ranges from (70-80).

2.    The VI continue running until the systolic value greater than 180 or diastolic value less than 75.

3.    The VI should display new BP value every 0.5 second.

4.    A visual alarm (LED) on the front panel should be ON if the systolic value greater than 180 or diastolic value less than 75.

5.    The VI should calculate the average of last three measurements for systolic values and for the diastolic values and displays the results on the front panel.

6.    Display the diastolic pressure value after 2 seconds from execution.

7.    Calculate the execution time in milliseconds of this VI and display it on the front panel.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

So how far did you get and where did you get stuck?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

So far I downloaded it and open the application 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

What is "it"? What application?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

OK, that's a good start.


LabVIEW is just a programming language, so I assume you want to create a simulation and not take actually readings using an external instrument. Is this homework for a LabVIEW class or are you just trying to learn? Do you have some ready templates containing the needed controls and indicators? Maybe even some data arrays of the waveforms?


The top of the forum has many learning resources, so start there. Then start small with a few very simple programs until you know the basics. Only later you should even attempt to do something more complicated.


Do you know any other programming languages already?



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Actually I am an advanced level programmer in MatLab,Python and arduino but seriously I don’t have any clue about LabView and how to createVI

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Good. So start with the learning resources already mentioned.


Can you explain why you have to use LabVIEW for that? Why not use something you already know?


LabVIEW is just a graphical dataflow programming language. To create a VI, you open LabVIEW and do a "Menu...File..New VI". The rest requires you to learn and if you are an "advanced level programmer" (I really don't know what that means!), you should be able to learn quickly.  In LabVIEW, "the wire is the variable" (simplified) and terminals are just UI elements. The wiring determines execution order based on very few simple and logical rules. Any independent code island can execute in parallel, which is wonderful!


Look at the learning resources, study the shipping examples and templates. LabVIEW is fun!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8