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Bluetooth Sockets using RFCOMM

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I am working on a project that requires LabVIEW to communicate with a Raspberry Pi over Bluetooth. The Pi is running Python and using PyBluez for the Bluetooth side.


Preferably LabVIEW will connect to the Pi using a Bluetooth Socket over RFCOMM, however I cannot find a way of opening a socket in LabVIEW, only a channel. Using the RFCOMM VI's build in to LabVIEW I am able to see the Pi (the MAC and device name are found) but not connect to it.


Does anyone know if this is even possible? I am currently using LabVIEW 2013 but upgrading to a later version is an option if this support is included.





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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author REAL!

Hi DazzaNL,


Are you trying to use LabVIEW as a Server or a Client? If you are using LabVIEW as a Client you should be able to use the Bluetooth Open Connection VI to connect to a Server.


The locations of the examples for Bluetooth that ship with LabVIEW are given in this White Paper and include an example of using LabVIEW as a Server:


Hope this helps you,

Joe P
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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Message 2 of 4

Hi Joe,


Thank you for your reply.


LabVIEW is used as the client for this project.


I have seen the white paper you link to, however I didn't see the part on finding the channel number using the RFCOMM Service Discovery vi.


I will check this and then post back with the progress!







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Message 3 of 4

Hi Joe,


Using the details in the white paper (as well as a bit of trial and error) it was possible to do what I needed.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!





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Message 4 of 4