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Bruel and Kjaer 2012 GPIB driver

Hi All,

Does anyone know where I could get a Bruel and Kjaer 2012 Audio Analyzer driver?

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Message 1 of 10
A quick search of both the NI site, the Bruel and Kjaer site and a general web search didn't turn up anything. Do you have the manual describing the GPIB commands? If so, while somewhat painful the first time (and second, etc,) you can write your own GPIB drivers. If you go that route, run the instrument manually to determine what commands you really need, as a first cut, rather than starting at the beginning of the book and writing every GPIB command in the manual. Once you have the basic commands to initialize, set parameters, trigger a measurement and return the values you will have most of the battle won. Hopefully some generous soul will have travelled down this path before and offer them to you.

Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion

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Message 2 of 10
Thanks! I was hoping somebody would have had used this equipment with LV before so I would not have to develop a driver for it. I have the interface manual so I could go that route if I need, but only if I need to. I'll probably only include the functions I use and add to them later as the need arises.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10
One other suggestion might be to post to the "Instrument Control" thread, as some there may not look here as often (I don't look there as frequently as I look here). There may still be someone with some vi's they would share. Of course, as with everything, some is better than others, including drivers from the manufacturers. Some of those seem to have been written by the summer COOP student (sorry, I actually have had VERY Good luck with ours!!) rather than someone that both knew the instrument and LabVIEW. I'm working with one of those on a project right now.  Also, depending on how busy you are, there are those who, given the manual, could crank out a basic driver package.

Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion

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Message 4 of 10
You can also try out the Instrument I/O Assistant in LabVIEW which allows you to easily develop code to communicate with your instrument.  If needed, a tutorial is located here.  You may also want to check with the manufacturer to see if they have any driver for LabVIEW if you haven't already.  Also, there are other Bruel and Kjaer drivers on the instrument driver network here.  Often, similar instruments from the same manufacturer have similar command sets.  If one of the instruments with a driver is similar, you may be able to modify one of those to give you a big head start.
Best of luck to you!
Chris R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10
Thank you both for the suggestions. I was able to play a little bit with the IO Assitant and it looks like something I could use. I am having problems generating outputs without parsing the data. With the data parsed, I see 4 token outputs and remaining tokens. I would like that output to be one stream of CSV. Any ideas?
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10
I am getting this error when parsing more the 50 tokens out of the Instrument Assistant:

NI-488:  Command requires GPIB Controller to be Controller in Charge.

I looked it up and one solution seems be to upgrade to 8.2 when using nested libraries. My VI is very simple though and it works fine up to 50 tokens. I am using 7.1.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
Hi Joemar,
Can you tell me more details about what you are doing in the program?  How is it getting to 50+ tokens?  Are you sending that many commands?  If the code is complex, the Instrument I/O Assistant may be difficult to use.  If you have everything in the I/O Assistant, you can open the front panel of it and view/modify the code that is generated for you.  Be sure to make a back up copy of your VI because once you convert an Express VI to actual code, you can't undo it once those changes have been saved.
Try this out and let me know what you find.
Chris R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Hi  .
Do you  still need it?

please reply at:


Juan  Figueroa
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10



Has sombody developed the driver for the 2012 already?





0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10