A quick search of both the NI site, the Bruel and Kjaer site and a general web search didn't turn up anything. Do you have the manual describing the GPIB commands? If so, while somewhat painful the first time (and second, etc,) you can write your own GPIB drivers. If you go that route, run the instrument manually to determine what commands you really need, as a first cut, rather than starting at the beginning of the book and writing every GPIB command in the manual. Once you have the basic commands to initialize, set parameters, trigger a measurement and return the values you will have most of the battle won. Hopefully some generous soul will have travelled down this path before and offer them to you.
PutnamCertified LabVIEW Developer
Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion