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Building a .Net assembly using a strong name



I like to create a .Net assembly using a strong name, by using a .snk file.


In LV 8.6(german) i am not able to the select my file with postfix options *.snk it is not visible in FileOpenDialogBox

If i select options *.* i will see my abc.snk file in the box. But on opening it LV giving me a ErrorMessage

i have to open a *.snk !?!?!


I think my snk file is well, because on Visual Studio it is working.





Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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Message 1 of 7
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Message 2 of 7

Hi Muks,


It is not what i am looking for.


I my upper post i did a misstake! I said i am using LV8.6. Creating .Net Assemblys is a feature of LV 2009!!

So I was using a LV 2009


Currently it got it woking.

I have linked the .snk file to the LV project.

So then you will see it under the MyComputer tree when you signate your assembly with a strong name.





Message Edited by j_dodek on 11-16-2009 05:10 AM
Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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Message 3 of 7
oh:smileysurprised:   ok
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Message 4 of 7
You need to add the key file to your LV project and then you can select the .snk file in the Assembly Builder.
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Message 5 of 7


 I am trying to build a .Net assembly using a strong name signature.  I have followed all the instructions provided in this thread, and built the LabVIEW .net assembly.  The .net assembly dll builds successfully.  However, my .Net program is not accepting my LabVIEW .Net assembly dll, because it says that the assembly dll I built is "delayed signed"


I did research on what it means to "delay sign" an assembly.  I found the following:

which states:


In order to delay sign an assembly, choose a public key file.


I have used the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) to build a public and private cryptographic key pair snk file, but my compiled .Net assembly dll is always delayed signed.  I have even tried using an snk file which works for pure .net programs.  However, no matter what I do, the dll built by LabVIEW is delayed signed.


Can anyone help me find what I am missing which will allow me to properly sign my .Net assembly with a strong name?


I am using LabVIEW 2018 professional version.



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Message 6 of 7


 I am trying to build a .Net assembly using a strong name signature.  I have followed all the instructions provided in this thread, and built the LabVIEW .net assembly.  The .net assembly dll builds successfully.  However, my .Net program is not accepting my LabVIEW .Net assembly dll, because it says that the assembly dll I built is "delayed signed"


I did research on what it means to "delay sign" an assembly.  I found the following:

which states:


In order to delay sign an assembly, choose a public key file.


I have used the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) to build a public and private cryptographic key pair snk file, but my compiled .Net assembly dll is always delayed signed.  I have even tried using an snk file which works for pure .net programs.  However, no matter what I do, the dll built by LabVIEW is delayed signed.


Can anyone help me find what I am missing which will allow me to properly sign my .Net assembly with a strong name?


I am using LabVIEW 2018 professional version.



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Message 7 of 7