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Button doesn't work part of the Time

I am working on a project with a c-DAQ with 7 modules. I recently got the 7th one, a NI-9435 DI, and when I added the needed parts to my block diagram, it seems to lag the system. When I try to press buttons in the VI, it will not engage half the time, either it flickers or just doesn't turn on as a whole. Would that be caused by the digital input module or just lag or a bug in the VI? If I do not have the DI module called out/used in the VI, it do not experience this problem.


Or is it because there are numerous other DAQ modules being used which will cause lag and stuff.

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Message 1 of 2

Well, it could be the hardware.  On the other hand, it could also be the software.  It is difficult for us to test (let alone make comments about) hardware consisting of a "c-DAQ with 7 modules", only one of which is identified.  It is even more difficult to comment about LabVIEW software for a LabVIEW RT Project when we have no LabVIEW code (which means the contents of the .lvproj Folder, preferably in LabVIEW 2021 or earlier as we don't all have the "latest versions".


Since you know your software worked "reasonably well" with 6 modules, what happens if you run a version of the same software with only the 7th module installed?  Maybe the "new code" is messing up your other logic.  That's purely a guess, of course ...


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 2