05-19-2011 01:24 PM
I am trying to recompile an FPGA VI that I had developed in LV 2009 in LV 2010 SP1.
It's been a while so my recollection on how to do that is a bit fuzzy, but I kind of figured out that things have changed between the two versions.
if I select my FPGA VI, I can't right click and choose "compile" anymore, but instead there is a new item in the "Build Specifications" list corresponding to my VI. When I right-click it, I can choose to "Build" it. Which is what I did and things got started smoothly until the compilation aborted with the following message:
The compile server does not have any workers available that can do a Xilinx 10.1 compilation.
* You may not have the correct compilation tools installed.
* The local compile worker may be configured for a different compile server.
* The local compile worker may be in an error state.
Error -123002 occurred at niFpgaCompileFarm_OpenJob.vi
Possible reason(s):
NI-Farm: No worker has registered the given capability name.
Complete call chain:
Start Time: 10:02:52 AM
End Time: 10:03:43 AM
Total Time: 00:00:51
I checked what I had installed as far as FPGA tools, and looking into my NI Program Start folder, I found the FPGA subfolder and a "FPGA Compile Worker". I tried to launch it but here is the error it resulted in:
Since the mentioned folder exists, I supposed that it was missing some files. So I reinstalled the whole FPGA module, Server Farm, etc from my installation DVD, rebooted, restarted and ended up exactly in the same situation (I hate it when a cryptic message forces me to assume that I did something stupid when I pretty much know that I did not!).
What gives?
05-19-2011 03:05 PM
OK, I just discovered after some randomly directed research that this version of the Xilinx compiler does not support the FPGA contained in the hardware I was targeting (thanks for the cryptic error message!)... I need to find out uninstall the the Xilinx compiler, how to install the old one, and how to tell LV to use it.
I am just wondering what people who have two types of hardware do?