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CDAQ Write/Read issue: 9263 and 9205



I'm current having a hard time with what I believe is timing/synchronization/sampling errors with a read write process. This is my first exposure to LabView

What im trying to do:

  • Take a sinusoid that doubles in frequency but has a set amount of periods and output it on the 9263.
  • Read the sinusoid into the 9205
  • Wrtie the amplitude and frequency of that signal to an array

What I think is working

  • The write process seems to be working. 

What's going wrong

  • The read values and plot don't make sense. It's reading only segments of certain sinusoids and doesn't seem to be timed correctly to the loop iterations.


Write now both the analog input and analog output are on the same clock and operating at the same rate (I believe). The samples generated from the write block is wired to the samples to read of the read block. I've spent countless hours trying solutions but I simply don't have enough knowledge of LabView to understand what's going wrong. The final desired operation is for the output from the 9263 to power a shaker device and a force transducer will supply the input to the 9205 module.  


Please try to understand that this is my first exposure to LabView. Excuse my arrogance/ignorance if any is present. 

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Hi jaybell,


The document below describes how to synchronize two devices with NI-DAQmx:


Take a look at the examples shown here, I think these will be helpful in what you are trying to accomplish. 

Julia P.
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