I'm configuring the variables to be logged in the same way that appears on the file you send, but it doesn't work... I don't know what else to do.
I'm sending you the configuration image file, the error message image and a simple vi that creates the database; after, values are logged; I generate several values for the variable, values that are above the HI limit of the acceptance value (previously configured) so alarms are generated. When I push the button STOP, the system stops logging values to the database and performs a query to the alarms database, and the corresponding error is generated... (file attached)
The result: With the aid of MAXThe data is logged correctly on the DATA database (I can view the trace), but the alarm generated is not logged on the alarms database created programatically...
The same vi is used but creating another database manually with the aid of MAX and configuring the library to log the alarms to that database.... same result
I try this sabe conditions on three different PCs with the same result, and I try to reinstall LabVIEW (development and DSC) completelly (uff!) and still doesn't work... ¿what else can I do?
I'd appreciate very much your help.