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Today only I finished CLD , could not able to finish the full requirements one part is left. Also didnt document total front panel. How many marks will go for this. Can I able to clear?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

You don't need 100% to pass, therefore losing a few marks to an incomplete coverage and a slight lack of documentation doesn't mean you'l fail. Of course, we can't possibly guess if you'll pass as we haven't seen your solution, but if it is well written, functional and documented then you still stand a good chance.


Good luck!

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Thanks thoric for your reply. Ya slight lack of documentation is not a problem, but functionality also i feel only half i have finished.

For the part what i have finished, it is functional, documented and clear. Ok lets see. Will tell when i get the results.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Just out of curiosity what is the question you got?. I have to take CLD soon so it would be helpful.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

@P Anand wrote:

Just out of curiosity what is the question you got?. I have to take CLD soon so it would be helpful.


I believe it is unethical to ask for that, and I also believe when you take the test you agree not to reveal anything about it so I strongly encourage the OP not to answer this.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

@for(imstuck) wrote:

@P Anand wrote:

Just out of curiosity what is the question you got?. I have to take CLD soon so it would be helpful.


I believe it is unethical to ask for that, and I also believe when you take the test you agree not to reveal anything about it so I strongly encourage the OP not to answer this.

I Apologise I do not know this.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hello Anand,

 As greg told we have to accept an agreement before writing. Its enough to prepare with sample exams,

And you need enough practice in LabVIEW before attending. I feel you have that and you can clear.

Good luck

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

Hi all,

I got the result two days back. I failed in CLD. Got only 64%, Lost all marks in functionality, got only 3/15.Style-12/15 and doc-10/10.

I thought what i have done is functional but they told it didnt meet the requirement may be i didnt understand the application properly.

Still i have to work a lot. Please give me some suggestions to improve. When can i take the next attempt any restrictions are



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

I guess there is no restriction for writing it again. Now you know how hard the test is so prepare yourself and be 100% confident when you give the exam.


  • Take sample exams yourself and try to complete it within 75% of the actual time
  • Do not try to write an optmized code 1st try getting the solution required and try to meet all the criteria
  • Do not take much time in designing the front panel
  • Be clear about the design pattern you are gong to implement before starting the code
  • At the beggining make the function palette of your convinient style this will help you to grab the functions easily

For more tips go through this board


Good luck


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9