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Call library function with third party DLL typedef struct

Hi all,


I am struggling with a third party dll and using the call library function. There is a handle type called 'typedef struct tagST25R3911HANDLE {} * ST25R3911HANDLE; 'that is used in most of the functions. When I used the import shared library wizard labview converted it to an empty cluster structure and made it adapt to type. I can't figure out what to make of this. I've tried a few different data types, but keep getting a 1097 error. Anybody have any ideas?






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Update: figured out the problem. Had to pull a value from another function for handle value.

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Hi gimongreg007,


I know this thread is a from a few years ago. I am having the same issue with this same dll.


How did you get the value for the handle?





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Try to change this in the header file:

typedef struct tagST25R3911HANDLE {} * ST25R3911HANDLE;


typedef void * ST25R3911HANDLE;


That should probably let the import library wizard be happy.


It should generate a Numeric, Pointer sized (unsigned) Integer for this parameter.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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