01-14-2010 10:49 AM
The non elegant code is because I am using labVIEW for the first time.
Is there a way by which I can specify the negative and the postive limits for the data points. Like in Example.vi with an amplitude of 1, the waveform starts at 0, goes to 1 -> -1 -> 0. Can i have a waveform that starts at -1 -> 1 -> -1
01-14-2010 10:51 AM
The non elegant code is beacuase I am using LabVIEW for the first time.
I understabd that the waveform starts at 0, goes to the max amplitude and then the min amplitude.
Can I have a waveform that starts at the min amplitude, goes to the max amplitude, and then returns to the min i.e. if amplitude is 1, the waveform goes form -1 -> 1 -> -1 ?
01-14-2010 11:12 AM
01-14-2010 11:47 AM
01-14-2010 01:35 PM
01-14-2010 01:36 PM