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Can I run a VI on another computer without installing LabView?

I was more or less sucessful building an .exe-file with the application builder.
But I have a severe problem. There's one VI that runs without any problems until I build an application with this VI. The .exe-file won't work at all. Neither on the computer where LabView is installed nor on the computer where only the runtime engine is installed. I didn't change any settings in the application builder. Should I!
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 22

@Splettstößer wrote:
The .exe-file won't work at all.

What does this mean? Do you see the FP of the toplevel VI? What says the log file which is created in the temp-folder of the user?

Have you taken into account that if you create paths starting with the "This VI path" function and "Strip path" you need another "Strip Path", e. g. <folder>\ will get <folder>\my.exe\


Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
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Message 12 of 22
I see the Frontpanel for about one or two seconds. Then there's an error: memory.cpp in line 342.
I don't think that there's a problem with the paths. I created another application the same way and there's no problem at all.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 22
>>There's one VI that runs without any problems until I build an application with this VI. The .exe-file won't work at all.

I have had this kind of a problem with LV7.1 builder. What I tried was to build an installer including the RTE  and just to check out installed it  on the same PC. It resulted in a huge mess and finally I  had to remove  LV7.1 and resintall.

I heard that this problem has been addressed in LV8.0 onwards.  Just to confirm tried doing that ( build an installer and install it on the same PC on which it was created ) and there was no issue.

Now that you have a problem, are you able to compile your original code in design or does it have a broken arrow ?

LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 22
I got a clean system working:
Someone at national decided to implement a crash (or stop) of the runtime when the following registry key is not available:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\Common\Installer


I expext this to be solved asap since a lot of users are looking for these posibilities.


With kind regards,

Arnoud de Kuijper

T&M solutions BV


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Message 15 of 22
Someone at national decided to implement a crash (or stop) of the runtime when the following registry key is not available:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\Common\Installer "

I checked out on the above "key" on my PC. It actually turns out to be a huge folder with many folders inside and contains the full details of  all the installations from LV to date. I am not sure if anything can happen without this folder ??

LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 22
In my opinion (but I cannot oversee the all keys) the keys are used for 3 different purposes.
1. It shows the location of the runtime installation and log folders so that an executable can find it
       -> If the files are directly in the subfolder of the executable, this shouldn't be necessary
2. The key lists the dependencies of the installed dll's
       -> This is probably necessary for updating and sharing with other installers.
3. The key list the location of the original msi package
        ->which is offcourse not necessary if you want to run without msi
I have attached the nireg.txt (reg) file with all the keys installed by the runtime 8.2.1
Greetz Arnoud
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 22

Hi Arnout,

I tried the register settings and in fact there was some action: The front panel of my application appeared! But after pressing a button the application disappeared without any error message. After copying the

"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared" and "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\RT Images" folders the application still didn't function properly. Only the close panel (X on top of window) did work (handled by a event-handler in the application) worked, but all other user defined buttons made the application crash. Hopefully NI can give a solution for this problem....

At least thanks for your suggestions.

Kind regards,

Joost Schouten

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 22
Hello Joost,
I have found some extra dependency's that are created at runtime of the dll: They are registering themselves:
The additional keys you might try to add are:

LabVIEW dll’s automatically register dll’s and add the following key:



Key value: "C:\main\nicontdt.dll"


Key value: "C:\main\nicontdt.dll"


Key value: "C:\main\nicontdt.dll"


Key value: "C:\main\nicontdt.dll"


Key value: "C:\main\nicontdt.dll"


In my situation I saved my application in c:\main\*.*

I understand this is a limitation, but maybe this helpes you some more.



Arnoud de Kuijper

T&M Solutions BV

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 22
Well there are some serious problems building EXEs in LV 8.20. Try to activate the debugging option, this helped for my applications.

Further an update to LV 8.2.1 helps with many problems, but not all. Esp. if you have classes and use polymorphic VIs inside building an exe is a problem. There gets too much removed if you activate the options to delete unused polymorphic instances and typedefs.
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Message 20 of 22