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Can anyone make my program for $50, Paypal.

Let me describe to you the program, if your an experienced Labview user I shouldn't imagine it will take that long.

So this is part of my student project, I have been trying to teach myself labview and I have done a bit so far, but its just taking up so much of my time, and i should be revising for exams now.


My code shows movement control for a motor.


I have a forwards button which increments +1 for every iteration of the loop. Each loop sends a pulse to the motor to move it.

I have a backwards button which increments -1 for every iteration of the loop. In this loop i have just placed the direction pulse which tells the motor to turn the oposite way.

these increments add onto a counter which is shown as the numerical indicator, used to show the position of the motor.

I also have a reset button on this motor. To change the position to zero.


What i have done so far has not been tested, so you may have to check it and adjust it.


So what i need now is this.

1. A button when pressed records the position of the motor and stores it to an array slot(1).

2. Another button when pressed records the value that was entered by the user into the interface to an array slot(2)

3.a) A button 'start' which returns the position of the motor to position 0. So if the motor was being moved and was at lets say '200' then  the motor would move back by 200 to the start position.

b) Then the motor would move the amount of value in slot(2) eg '5' and then that value '5' would be recorded in an array table. Then the motor would move again by the value in slot 2 '5' and record the position as 10 etc.

c) This would carry on until the value of the added values of slot 2 are more or equal to the value of array slot1. eg  slot1 =  20  slot2 = 5  so the motor would move 4 times. There would be a pause between these movements.


That is all.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

um no? How about out of the goodness of your heart instead?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Essentially, you want three variables, 



Stop  (you labeled as array slot 1)

Delta (you labeled as array slot 2)


A for loop will easily handle this for you.  Since you should really do your own homework, here is what a for loop should look like for something like this, as a hint to get you started.


Why you want single values stored in arrays, I don't understand.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

@anitawee wrote:

So this is part of my student project,..  What i have done so far has not been tested, so you may have to check it and adjust it.


So what i need now is this....That is all.



since this is your student project, it should be done by you  (the student). and since it has not been tested by you( the student), you need to do your work yourself here. and So what i need now is this (please consider others like myself that want students to do their own work for their own good and for their own grade)....That is all.


and i will not ask why you offered 50 bucks to buy someone else's work to get through....?

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Message 4 of 9

You're right. But I have just been thrown into this, with no help or tuition and this is such a small part of my whole project, its quite laughable at the amount of time i have spent on it compared to things that are much more important. I've designed the program. This is just a part im stuck on. Theres more to it later. I've learn all this other engineering stuff and out of the blue with now with no prior introduciton "hello mechanical engineer heres this program Labview, go make this".  I'm the only one doing this project. Desperate times lead to desperate measures. I just want some help. I told my tutor i did this weeks ago.... he always just tells me to go find out on my own anyway. 😞

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Message 5 of 9

I don't want to look like the guy that makes everything perfect and never made a mistake and that is 100% ethical..

But, believe me, when you start to work, you will be thrown to LOTS of things you don't want and sometimes you don't know how to do.

I see you're desperate, but is YOUR job, it's not anyone else. Even if you're paying for it, it's not correct. You should be prepared for situations like this.

Good luck in your quest.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

A sad story but it's how many of us are introduced to Labview.  Have you tried searching the forums?  I know there are many posts on stepper motors and even more on for loops and arrays.

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Message 7 of 9

Yeah I've looked, I'm just tired of shifting through trying to find relevence. But ill keep going, i have some suggested pages to look at. From the previous thread I made.  I still want to use arrays, but your help has probably saved me an hour. Cheers.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Here's another tip of stepper motors.  Be careful how fast you send signals.  If you are sending them faster than the motor moves, steps will be lost.

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Message 9 of 9