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Can't add serial port in MAX

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I have a cRIO 9076 and would like to use the serial port. I can see the cRIO in Measurement and Automation Explorer, but I'm unable to add a serial port to it. I get the error "Internal MAX Error. Could not get interface to MAX database". A fresh installation didn't solve the problem. Any ideas what could be the cause?


Thanks in advance


Internal MAX Error

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Message 1 of 7

I understood the manual that way: The Rs232 is only to communicate to the Host System (example can be found in This conole mode is activated by turning the switch console out.

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Message 2 of 7


Ouch! That looks like a Corrupt MAX DatabaseSmiley Sad

The link will get you some additional info on how to recover.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 3 of 7

@JÞB wrote:


Ouch! That looks like a Corrupt MAX DatabaseSmiley Sad

The link will get you some additional info on how to recover.

Yup.   Happens on occasion.


In MAX, there's a "Reset MAX Configuration" item in the menu... start there.

I've been able to resolve that issue by uninstalling and reinstalling MAX... that's an easier method than the "corruption recovery" methods IMO.

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Message 4 of 7
Accepted by ABerg

Thanks for your answers, even if they didn't help. Already tried resolving that issue by repairing a corrupt MAX database before posting here, but it didn't change a thing. Another error message told me that maybe NI-VISA was not installed on the controller, so I installed just that. What I didn't know is that you also have to install "NI-VISA Server". Might be obvious to more experienced LABView users but I'm new to this software and the high number of software components is somehow frustrating...


Anyway, problem solved 😄

Message 5 of 7

Thank for sharing the real problem!  It will probably save another developer from untimely hair loss.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7


Hi, ABerg,


Just a question, only when you install 'ni-visa server' you can add a serial port?


Im on similar trouble now...



best regards!

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Message 7 of 7