07-21-2009 11:09 AM
You now know what i did wrong? Well, kind sir, do you plan to tell me?
07-21-2009 11:38 AM
07-21-2009 11:39 AM
And now with only 1 shift register
XY graphs can be build up in two different ways:
a) 1 cluster containig 1 array for X data and 1 array for Y data. You can use this lay out when you get several, or all points, at one time or if you display the graph once you collected all the data.
b) 1 array of clusters, each cluster contains 1 X data point and 1 Y data point. You can use this lay out when you get one data point at a time and you want to display them immediately, not waiting to have them all.
I think the way you get XY data points fits the second way of working, so in the attached screenshot you can see that I make clusters of XY data and build them together using Build array and a shift register.
07-21-2009 05:09 PM
It seems like i get far quicker response here than in the other forum i posted another question. Guys, please see if any of you can help with the problem i described in the following link location: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=280&message.id=6448#M6448.
The VIs are uploaded there. Thanks.