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Can't import CAD model (.wrl file) into Robotics Simulation Model Builder (LV2014)

Good evening.


Following this tread: have found myself in the same problem, I cannot upload my .wrl file into Robotics Simulation Model Builder, I have also followed the same paths, but I still get the same result. which I explain as follows:


1) I get my Solidworks design (I am using solidworks 2014, I selected the VRML 97 in option during saving. Save As >> VRML (*.wrl) >> Options >> Output as/Verson: VRML.


2) I open My labVIEW program, I got it from myRIO software CDs, so the full name is LabVIEW myRIO 2014 (could that be a problem?).  Then I open the Robot builder: Tools>> Robotics Simulation Model Builder. I followed the same steps the share through this file: 


Everithing goes as it should be, but in the section "3. CAD Model Importer" part 4: "a new component adds to the User Model Libray folder", never happens.



If is there any tread I could follow, please share to me, I've been looking at some of the discussions in different forums, but nothing works for me.


Let me thank you in advance for any help you could provide to me. I'll keep tune.


Angel Jiménez

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Hi Angel Jiménez,


I don't think it matters that you are using LabVIEW myRIO. I suggest you to check the following document:

Reading your situation, I think if you change your model to other format (.ive or .dae) it might response. Also be sure that it is loaded at LabVIEW folders (LabVIEW Data\Robotics\Simulator\Model\Config\Customized Parts).



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