09-23-2019 02:11 PM
See attached errors/tasks.
09-23-2019 02:43 PM
I'm thinking it is an issue with the way the waveform is being built. You really don't have a digital waveform, but a series of 5 individual true/false data points. You might want to look at N channel 1 sample.
09-24-2019 07:23 AM
The problem with having only one channel is that the data from boolean controls being sent to the digital out DAQ won't continuously be updated. If I choose 1 sample, then it'll only execute the one set? This ties back to my original problem.
09-24-2019 10:49 AM
Right now nothing updates because you build up a queue of 5 items as soon as your VI starts based on the setting of your controls when your VI starts. There is no way to change those controls until you stop and restart your VI.
I think you are misunderstanding the concept of dataflow. I recommend you go through the
I would recommend looking at the online LabVIEW tutorials
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Three Hours
Learn LabVIEW
Also take a step back. Make a simple VI, base it on some digital output examples in the Example Finder and prove that you can get that to work for you. Only then start adding the digital input. (Create a separate example VI to test that first.) I don't know what your goal is with the queue in there.
09-24-2019 01:24 PM
Thanks! I was overly complicated/convoluting the problem. It was extremely simple all along. I just played with the read/write modules and it worked.