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Cannot build .exe because of error

The following error appears when building the exe. 


Error copying files.
Source: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\resource\lvanlys.dll
Destination: G:\CND\PROGRAMS\Cluster5\Hardware\CR2_RF_LABVIEW\RF_ASSY\TX_CAL\builds\RF_ASSY_CAL_X3\CR2_RF_ASSY_CAL\data\lvanlys.dll

Copy in Copy From Folder To>Librarian>>>>>>>>><APPEND>

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Have you got the latest drivers? Link
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Hi General-D,


Perhaps this will help:  Error Copying Files when Building an Executable


If not, I am curious if you get this error regardless of the Destination Directory that you specify in the properties of your build specification.  Try just building it to a folder on your desktop and let us know if you still see an error.


If you do, maybe you could shed some light on what exactly your application is doing.  For example, the lvanlys.dll has been known to cause some issues when building it in a Real Time application, which was resolved for LabVIEW 2009 (LabVIEW 2009 Bug Fixes).  If we know what you're including in your build (LabVIEW modules, drivers, .dlls, etc.) that will definitely help us narrow down the issue.




- Greg J

Message Edited by VTHokie on 06-11-2010 08:00 PM
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