04-11-2013 07:33 AM
I am having trouble with exported images from graph indicators. The exported image is not including the Caption text (or label text, but this is normally invisible).
I have tried putting the caption in different places, changing background colour, etc. The text is visible on screen, but not appearing in any exported images.
In a different VI I do get the caption in the exported image, and I can't see what is diferent between the two objects.
Any ideas out there?
04-11-2013 08:33 AM
The graph objects are defined as non-strict type defs. It appears that the image exported direct from the type def has the caption attached, but the equivalent control image from the application VI does not.
The graph object from the other app that does export OK is not linked to a type def.
I'm using LV2011 by the way.
04-11-2013 09:31 AM
Further update.
As soon as I disconnect the VI graph from its typedef, the exported image has the caption visible.
Is this a bug, that type-def'd graphs don't export properly?
04-11-2013 10:32 AM
I can confirm that I also see this in 2012 SP1.
Using the Right-Click Export > Simplified Image feature of a Graph control seems to exclude the visible caption if the control is linked to a type-def.
This sounds like a small bug to me, maybe NI can pitch in and comment?
04-16-2013 05:38 AM
Hi Guys
Sorry for the late reply but thanks for finding this and reporting it. I'll look into this for you both and if I can confirm that this is a bug that's not been filed yet I'll file a corrective active request to get it fixed. As I progress with this I'll post updates on here to keep you in the loop.
Many thanks
Daniel Harryman
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
04-19-2013 05:29 AM
I've confirmed the issue in both LabVIEW 2012 and 2012 SP1. I've also filed a corrective active request for R&D to look into this issue.
Dan. H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
04-19-2013 05:38 AM
Thanks for confirming this issue for me. At least now I know that I'm not doing anything wrong there.
04-30-2013 04:32 PM
For reference, this issue was reported to R&D as CAR 403718.
Jeff Peacock
Product Support Engineer | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments