07-25-2018 05:08 AM
I have a Foscam IP camera, and I can grab/capture image through web after installing plugins provided by Foscam.
The IP camera is not detected in MAX, can we grab/capture/read image from labview?
07-25-2018 10:50 AM
Did you install IMAQdx?
This is an image issue, not LabVIEW issue. You should post to the IMAQ forum.
Worst case, use ActiveX to add the web browser to your front panel.
07-26-2018 10:57 PM
Hi George,
IMAQdx is installed, but IP camera cannot be detected because it's not Balser or Axis camera.
I think can only use ActiveX to add the web browser to front panel. Do you know any examples about this way?
Thank you!
07-27-2018 08:52 AM
> because it's not Balser or Axis camera.
That shouldn't be a problem.
Did you setup IP address/mask correctly?