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Change "User Data Folder" Webview2

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Hello, I'm trying to change the path "User data Folder". Unfortunately, I get an error message. Search engine questions have only had limited success. What's going wrong, can anyone help with the problem? I'm attaching my program...

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Message 1 of 3

Have you seen the webview2 control on vipm? It is very good and does let you modify paths .  You may find it a useful resource:

I use it and it is really good. Kudos to the creator!


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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author Trebis21

Thanks for the answer. I tested sklein's VIPM. I also found my problem on Github:


UDF location for builds not working · Issue #7 · kleinsimon/LV-WebView2 · GitHub


That describes my core problem exactly. I implemented the solution there and am happy with it.

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