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Change setpoint automatically to a PID control

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Are you asking about what you can use instead of a PID controller?

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Message 21 of 26

no no no,


My system is controlled by PID and it is going to stable after some time. I mean that this program is not correct to understand whther temperature is stable or not.  stability means this boolen in program should always light.  but here boolen light and then no light. when the temperature fluctuate while getting stable, several times  in the range of desired temperature.




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Message 22 of 26

You Can insert a time delay, so the temperature must be stable XX time before your lamp lights up. A PID Controller Will always have an error, so maybe your temperature range is too narrow

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Message 23 of 26

@becidea wrote:

My system is controlled by PID and it is going to stable after some time. I mean that this program is not correct to understand whther temperature is stable or not.  stability means this boolen in program should always light.  but here boolen light and then no light. when the temperature fluctuate while getting stable, several times  in the range of desired temperature.

How do you wish to define "stability" for your system?  "This boolean... should always light" isn't a very clear definition.  If you can describe exactly what stability means in your system, then you can write code to match that.  Maybe using Average and Standard Deviation is not the best solution for you.  You might want to define stability as some number of consecutive data points within some range of your setpoint, for example.

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Message 24 of 26

Hello guys,

Sorry for dropping in just like that. TBN, can you please post a LABVIEW 8.0 version of the



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Message 25 of 26



Here it is.

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Message 26 of 26