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Change text color of string controls in a cluster within a cluster

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I'm working on a programm with string-clusters in a cluster. I want to change the Textcolor of this string-controls.  For this i've looked for examples, found one and tried to 

change it for my project. But I'm not sure what i'm doing, because i'm unexperienced in using refences. Also i'm not sure what i need to look for, to get the right informations.


Can you give me some advice, for what or where i need to look to get a better understanding for referenzes or to get access to parts of a cluster in a cluster, such as text coloring. 


I already read the LabView help informations for the used functions.


I've attached the VI example form the internet ( and my experiment ( I'm usig Labview 21.


Thx in advance

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Accepted by topic author Fuxy

1. Filter out Cluster control.

2. Cast the control class to cluster class.

3. Get all controls in the cluster.

4. Cast the control class to string class.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 3

Hello ZYOng,


Thank you for your help. Your modify of my VI helps me to understand the nesting of clusters better.



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