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Changing axis labels on Excel XY Graph



I'm trying to generate a report using the Report Generation Tollkit, i was following the steps indicated in the NI report tutorial that helped me a lot.

The problem is that i could not change the scaling of the X axis which is giving me always numbers from 1 to 11 then zeros after while these numbers need to be under date format (ex 10/04/2013), i'll appreciate the help if someone knows how to fix this.


Thank you,



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Message 1 of 7

Hi MGarry,


It seems that excel has a special way of representing the date/time format. See this:


So we know how it is represented in Excel, but the issue is telling excel that those numbers are meant to be interpreted as date/time format not regular decimal numbers. Have you managed to do this in excel manually? (without using the report generation toolkit). If so you might be able to make a skeleton of the graph and then update it using the following excel update graph VI ( You can also add row headers and column headers. I would check to see if its possible manually first and we can go from there.

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7

Hi Basil,


Thanks for your reply, i have been through this "Date format" problem since i'm managing to generate my report under Excel from LabVIEW and the only way i've fugured out to fix it was to use a "Get Date/Time String" VI then specify in the "Date format" connector a "long" constant, it changes the structure of Date under Excel but prevents me to have the wrong Date format ( Interpreting months as days and vice versa). What is taking all my focus now is to transform the X axis to a Date axis in order to have each sample in the graph corresponding to a specific Date ( depending on when the sample value was taken), i have explored the totality of Graph VIs in the Report Generation Toolkit and still not found what i'm looking for.


Best regards,



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Message 3 of 7

Hi MGarry,


Is this possible in Excel to do manually? ie. can you make a graph that has the x-axis composed of intervals of days instead of other units with proper formatting?

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 7

Hi Basil,


I confirm that it is possible to make the X axis a chronological axis composed entirely of days ( dd/mm/yyyy ), please see attached file, however doing it manually under Excel could not be easy, we have to assign exactly each point from the graph to its acquisition date and i don't see how this can be performed manually on Excel. With LabVIEW we can use the "Insert Graph" VI then connect a 1D array to column headers connector ( it has to be 1 row n columns to fit with the x axis) now i'm looking for a way to transpose a 1D array of string (containig date) then use it with the "insert Graph" VI.


Best regards,



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Message 5 of 7

Hi MGarry,


So its not possible in Excel? Then how did you generate that image?

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 7

Hi Basil,


I never wrote that is was impossible, it is possible indeed, otherwise how could i be able to generate the graph you've asked about, my only problem right now is to do it from LabVIEW without using Macros because with Macros it does not work the way i want it.





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Message 7 of 7