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Clearcase version contol checkin problems

Clearcase version contol checkin problems


I created a simple project with a vilib and can successsfully check in all parts to clearcase with no issues via on board version control in 2014 and 2013. After adding a lvclass, I cant check in the lvclass and the lvproj . The vi in lvclass is small and has 2 controls.


Any comment would be appreciated.


Thanks.. John



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
You posted to the wrong board. This is for converting between different versions of LabVIEW.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

From the rather brief "view" you chose to show us, it is difficult to determine whether the Class (and its files) are actually within the Folder that you are attempting to Check In.  I would suggest that you Zip up the Folder that contains the Project and all of its Classes and attach it.  We can look at it, make sure "everything is there", and even (if we are sufficiently brave) try to Commit it to another VCS (or, if any of us are using Clearcase, to that system).  My Best Guess is that you have a "missing reference" somewhere, but without seeing what you really do have, it is pure guesswork to find the problem.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Strated as an empty project and built simple examples of lvlib and lvclss. Everything is in the same folder. Clearcase killed the project and lvclass, so I will have to recreate tomorrow.


Thanks.. John

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

It looks like its a binary file issue. I came up with a soultion using ClearTool but I don't like it for obvious reasons. Please let me know if you can improve on the steps below:


1.) backup your Class_name.lvclass, nothing checked in, copy project to a CC explorer path (snapshot or dynamic), add and checkout folder of the Class_name.lvclass.

2.) Cleartool> mkelem –nco –eltype compressed_file –nc Class_name(s).lvclass

3.) File checks in and corrupts to 0 ( how do we keep this from happening?)

4.) checkout Class_name.lvclass

5.) copy backup of Win Explorer Class_name(s).lvclass to CC Explorer Class_name(s).lvclass, perform overwrite

6.) Checkin Class_name(s).lvclass


This is a one time procedure. All remaing CC stuff can take place in LabView after this procedure


My bad for posting in the wrong place


Thanks.. JB

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Message 5 of 5