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Codes in Labview for Acceleration and Pressure

Hello All

I need to write two separate codes in LabView for my two measurements:

First Measurement:  Acceleration  with the following characteristics:

signal will be acquired from an IEPE accelerometer connected to NI9232 C series module and NI 9184 cDAQ chassis.  max and min accelerations are +/-10 g

I want my DAQ device to be triggered and start taking measurements only when acceleration reaches a specific value. The code should enable me to log the acquired data into TDMS file in my laptop.


Second Measurement: Pressure with the following Characteristics:

signal will be acquired from a bridge based sensor connected to NI 9237 C series module and the same chassis mentioned above. The code should enable me to enter the sensor scaling information with both table and two point option. auired data should be saved by the code in a TDMS file. Again, I want to use triggering to save memory and to get only the range of data under consideration.

Note: the labview version that I have is 2011.  I would appreciate if expert people send me these two codes writted in NI daqmx programming.



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Message 1 of 4

What have you got so far?

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Message 2 of 4



I explained the system that I have got in my original post. and I need somebody to write the codes in daqmx for me to help me start measurement.

Thanks for your interest


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Message 3 of 4

I would recommend looking through the example finder in LabVIEW (help->find examples) to see if there is something that you can get started with.  If you are looking for someone that can build applications specifically for your setup from scratch, I would recommend looking into one of the NI Alliance Partners (  

James K.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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