02-29-2020 09:33 PM
I haven't used LabView since version 6 (running on WindowsXP), when I connected it with a SLC5/03 on a wash system. I would like some advice for a new project. This new project will need a computer (Windows10 with 2 HDMI displays) that connects to 2 OPC UA servers (robots), a ModbusTCP PLC (MicroLogix 1400), a USB barcode reader and will do some file searching in a local file server. I'm presuming that LabView will do some passing of files and data at relatively low rates between these devices and occasionally display pdf files on one of the displays. My question: what is the oldest version of LabView that can concurrently support these and what are the least expensive software VIs, APIs, drivers, etc that must be added to standard LabView?
11:42 PM
- last edited on
01:09 PM
Content Cleaner
A few questions:
See this link for a comparison of editions.
03-01-2020 04:54 PM
Thanks for replying. I currently have LabView 6 and LabView 2014. If I can't use them, then it doesn't matter what version I use. Even NXG would be fine. I should be able to do any programming needed, but it will be an issue of trading programming time versus cost of a library. The tasks are as follows and I would prefer to use a library already developed rather than writing something new.
1. OPC UA client communication to 2 OPC UA servers.
2. ModbusTCP server communication to a MicroLogix1400.
3. USB input from a barcode reader.
4. Search on a networked file server for a pdf or GIF file, display it.
5. Miscellaneous LabView HMI stuff on second display.
06:28 PM
- last edited on
01:10 PM
Content Cleaner
So there are some paid-for options for LabVIEW relating to the OPC systems - I guess you're familiar since you referenced perhaps the exact name. I'm not familiar with their usage, so I won't elaborate further.
There are several free Modbus libraries for LabVIEW (to the point of confusion regarding which one a given forum thread etc is talking about). This might give you more information regarding free/paid for options: Modbus Communication Using LabVIEW or LabVIEW Real-Time Module
For a barcode reader, usually if you have a driver on Windows it will appear as a keyboard to LabVIEW. You can use an Event Structure and the keyboard press events to receive the input without needing more things.
Searching on a file server should be no problem - if it's mapped to your computer running your application then effectively you can pretend it is a local drive, otherwise you can perhaps consider something like FTP (there are VIs in LabVIEW) or using the System Exec node to call an SSH session?
03-01-2020 06:48 PM
Thank you cbutcher!