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Compact DAQ communications with SCADA Siemens

Hello, I am currently designing a project for Machine condition monitoring using vibration sensors and temperature sensors as well as tachometer. The total number of sensors is about 161 sensors. My design include cDAQ 9188, NI 9234 and NI 9423. I am going also to use Moxa Industrial Access point to communicate the data with an existing SCADA system in the user control room.

I have two questions:

1-Will cDAQ platform be able to communicate with SCADA system?

2- If yes, can any one help in the  design of interface screens for the project?

Many thanks in advance for your support. Ihab

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Message 1 of 4



Are you intending to develope your system using LabVIEW?  What is the interface for your SCADA system?  LabVIEW uses the Datalogging and Supervisory Control module as its SCADA type interface.  You can absolutly create a program that ties the ouputs from a DAQ system to shared variables that will be available on your network.



Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 2 of 4

Thank you Ryan,

I am trying to select either CDAQ or Compact RIO. Either of them , I am going to use Labview to develop my system. The plant already have Siemens SCADA system for the rest of the process. They want me choose the less cost platform from NI Hardware (cDAQ) to develop the system for them. They claim that hey do not need the high cost platform from NI Hardware (cRIO). What you say is that SCADA will work with either system as long as we create ties between the outputs from a DAQ system to shared variables that will be available on your network.

Also regarding the high number of sensors 161 (Accelerometers, Temperature sensors, Tachometers) , which platform can handle this high number of sensors better?

Finally can you recommend any CLD or CLAD holder to help me against paid hours? 


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Message 3 of 4

So the question we need to answer is what type of inteface do you want between the existing SCADA system and the new LabVIEW system.  What protocol does your existing system use?  Accessing shared variables outside of LabVIEW will be a lot more difficult than if you do all your development with LabVIEW.  What type of HMI will you be using?  Will it be independent of the existing SCADA system?



Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4