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Comparison of LabVIEW and Matlab


I search for information regarding comparison of Matlab and Labview.  (some nice webpage 🙂
I need some tests comparing computation speed of Matlab and Labview (how fast can those two programmes process some biosignals).
I need to compare advantages and disadvantages of Matlab and LV. As conclusion I should say, in which case is better to choose LabView and in which it is better to choose Matlab.

Thank you in advance for your tips.


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Message 1 of 12

LabVIEW does a better job in interfacing to IOcards, better drivers in any case for NI IO cards,

LabVIEW has parallellisme Matlab is single tasking as far as I know.

Simulation in matlab is easier if you know matlab

Speed is more depending on the algorithm than on one of the packages.

So suit yourself

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12
regarding speed: Let us assume, that we have implemented the same algorithm. Under which programme will run this algorithm faster?
Thank you
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

You'll probably need to test this out for yourself for your own particular class of problems and dataset sizes.

I've only dabbled with Matlab a little over the last few years so my impressions may be a bit stale, but here goes anyway:

1. LabVIEW with NI cards is far and away a nicer environment for pulling real-life signals into program data and pushing data out as real-world signals.

2. Some built-in Matlab functions are impressively fast on really big datasets.  My impression was that Matlab seemed more likely to be closer to best-in-class implementations of algorithms.  It stands to reason since Matlab is pretty much all about the number-crunching.  LabVIEW has improved noticeably over the years though and may not lag much, if any, these days.

  When I first started using LabVIEW, I would typically collect a big dataset, throw it onto a Zip disk (100 MB oversized floppy circa 1997), then do all the post-processing at my desk in Matlab.  In the last few years, the only time I did something like that was because I needed to deliver the Matlab processing script to a colleague who had Matlab but not LabVIEW.  Without doing side-by-side comparisons, I simply don't find the speed of LabVIEW data processing to be any kind of bottleneck.

3.  The speed of a custom Matlab script is highly variable.  Code that can be "vectorized" can run almost magically fast.  Code that must loop a million iterations through the script interpreter can be dog slow, to the tune of 2-3+ orders of magnitude.  Labview algorithms will always run as compiled code which would put them much nearer to the "vectorized" Matlab code than the interpreted script.  Could even beat the Matlab code in many cases, I'd expect.  Check on some of the "coding challenges" here on -- several demonstrate impressively fast algorithms implemented in LabVIEW.  The Mathworks site has even more, far more nicely presented contests.  (Personally, I favor the open-source collaborative nature of the Matlab contest, building one's solution using the best features out of prior entries.

4. If the processing speed requirement has to do with generating outputs as a real-time response to inputs, then the algorithm speed alone won't be the only factor.  The real-time platform and environment, including signal I/O, may also be a big consideration.  Using LabVIEW RT does require a bit different mindset than LabVIEW on Windows, but there aren't any real drastic departures.  Having used RT, I find that its lessons are usually helpful on Windows as well.  I can't comment on Matlab's real-time toolkits/environment/hardware, etc.

Benchmark results often depend heavily on the nature of the benchmark being used and aren't always reliable predictors of normal real-life use.  If you can describe your app in more detail, folks may be able to offer better tips.  My own bias is that just about anytime there's a wire connecting my computer to a real-world signal, I pretty much assume I'll be using LabVIEW to deal with it.  I do however recognize the strengths of Matlab & Simulink.  I've made LV functions to help me do things similar to "data[find(data > threshold)] = NaN;" but it isn't nearly as elegant as the Matlab script.

-Kevin P. 

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12
Some other usefull stuff....

It's possible to run FORTRAN code 'in-line' and it has support for matrices. There are some really good visualisation tools and the ability to run it on more powerfull platforms than just a P.C. It is widely used in academic circles especilly when they run out of licences for ABAQUS.

There is Simulink and Stateflow, Toolboxes, Blocksets and DSP support and all sorts of other extensions. All of these things make it a very powerfull tool for anlaysis and modelling.

Similar to LabVIEW you can compile applications to EXE's..... Last time I looked the PC version ran on 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP I guess this is the benifit of limited hardware support.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

And don't forget that the way the implementation is done in MATLAB and in LabVIEW has a big influence on the code.

A first try on is the algoritme working and a high speed implementation depends also on the knowledge of the programmer.
e.g. a lot of globals might negatively influence a LabVIEW implementation

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Even LabVIEW has a lot of support for matrix operations in version 8
and don't forget, you have to learn both of these worlds to really compare.


greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi Kevin,

I am a 3 rd year BE-EEE student..I want to do an extra course in my field.I dont known whether to do Matlab or Labview.Can u help me to choose...

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

@ramyar2208 wrote:

Hi Kevin,

I am a 3 rd year BE-EEE student..I want to do an extra course in my field.I dont known whether to do Matlab or Labview.Can u help me to choose...

Are you aware of that, you reply to a post which was written back in 2006?

I cannot give advice, since I have no idea what is your field, and what are the plans for your later studies...

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

@Honza1 wrote:
regarding speed: Let us assume, that we have implemented the same algorithm. Under which programme will run this algorithm faster?
Thank you

If this is your process, the answer doesn't matter.  Find the one that is cheaper and just go with it.  You're not doing anything that requires such analysis.


Let me explain why I say this.  Each program is optimized towards different tasks.  If we implement the same alogorithm on both, one will be faster.  If we implement another algorithm on both, the other is likely to be faster.  If you're basing your decision to buy one over the other on a single random algorithm being performed faster on one, your science isn't strong enough to need to worry about the result.  You're better off just saving the cash as the computation time won't be nearly the hindrance the budget will be.


When you ask absurdly vague questions, you shouldn't expect specific answers.  This is true in both science and software purchasing.  You're talking on the LabVIEW forums.  It's safe to assume the users here believe LabVIEW was, at worst, an equal choice.  If you go to the Matlab forums, the bias swings the opposite direction.  What you're doing is offering no unbiased input to your decision. 

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Message 10 of 12