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Compute gabor spectrogram of LARGE data sets using ADSP toolkit. Possible?

Hi there,


I have data sets of up to 200k samples (in .tdms files) - since been converted into numerous excel (or .txt) files each containing ~60k samples.This data is gathered in a laboratory using labview sampling at 100kHz hence large data sets are gathering in a small period. This canno, as yet, be avioded.


Basically, I am using TFA to inspect the frequency spectrum. I really want to be able to picture the whole dataset in a spectrogram, so I can see what's happening over a period of time. Obviously this cannot be done in such large sets (of 200k), so I am hoping to find a way to break the data sets up into arrays of ~5k segments (so each 60k excel file would require 12 segments of data), compute the spectrogram of each, and bring all segments of the spectrogram back together for a pretty picture.


Could I the 'Chart History' attribute be used for this or not? Or is there some way of saving each computation of the spectrogram into a file (like the coordinates, or a downscaled / compressed version of the image produced), which could later be loaded and combined with other sets to 'paint the full picture'


Any assistance would be much appreciated...


Kind regards,


John Snow

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