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Comunication bewtween executable and PLC

hello to everyone.


First of all thanks a lot for answering and being able to help.


I have a project which has vision vision module and comunication whit a PLC. It runs really good.


But now I would like to create an executable and run it in a PC which does not have Labview installed. it has installed run time engine, vision builder (to run vision module in a executable) and DSC module.

In this PC, the executable runs but it does not communicate with the PLC...


Have I to install any module to get that¿


thanks a lot.

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Message 1 of 7
I believe that the DSC has a separate runtime license you have to buy. Check with NI.

Are you using the DSC for anything besides comm with the plc? Most plcs can talk modbus and for that you don't need anything special.


Certified Professional Instructor
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Message 2 of 7

Hello @mikeporter

First of all thanks a lot for replying.

My application is almost done already.

Now I am trying to understand what I have to buy for doing an executable and run it in a target PC.


You said that modbus does not need anything special but what I read that I need DSC Run-Time license for running this in the target PC.


En cuanto a las funciones del módulo DSC y la licencia: En efecto tendrás que comprar una licencia del DSC Run Time Engine por cada computadora donde vayas a utilizar los ejecutables con cualqueira de las funciones del módulo de DSC, algunas de las cuales son:


The DSC Run-Time System (RTS) enables the execution of a stand-alone application that utilizes one or more of the DSC components. These components include:

    Data logging (Citadel)
    Alarm & event logging (SQL Server Express)
        Alarm Service
    I/O Servers
        Data Set
        Custom VI
    NI OPC Servers

 Info from

So I need to buy this license to run modbus in a target PC right?


Thanks a lot.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hello @mikeporter

First of all thanks a lot for replying.

My app is almost done already.

No I have to know what I need to run a executable in a PC target.

You said that I do not need anything special if I use modbus but I can read this:


The DSC Run-Time System (RTS) enables the execution of a stand-alone application that utilizes one or more of the DSC components. These components include:

    Data logging (Citadel)
    Alarm & event logging (SQL Server Express)
        Alarm Service
    I/O Servers
        Data Set
        Custom VI
    NI OPC Servers

So do I need to buy a DSC Run Time license for each PC target if I use Modbus as you said?


Thanks a lot.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

What you need for Modbus sort of depends on how you do it. The officially supported drivers do require a DSC license for each computer -- don't get me started.

However there are some older drivers that are available online that are free from licensing fees, and which work well.



Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 5 of 7

Could you pass me a link of these drivers?


Thanks a lot.

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Message 6 of 7

See  It is version 1.2.1.  But there is a on that page link to a newer set of drivers.

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Message 7 of 7