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Conditional Disable Symbols in Compiled Applications

Is it possible to set different conditional disables as part of the application builder? 
I have an application in which I turn on lots of things while debugging, but I want them all off whenever I build a release.  In C I would use a #define that I set in the makefile and pass in to the compiler on the command line.  Does anyone know how to do something similar?  I would also like to be able to build slightly different versions off the same codebase, ideally with several CalVIEW Compiled Release objects in the project.
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Message 1 of 7
Are you using the "Conditional Disable" structure? It's available in LabVIEW 8.20, don't remember if it's in LabVIEW 8
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Message 2 of 7

That's correct, I am wanting to use the conditional disable structure.  More to the point I want to define conditional disable symbols in the application builder.



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Message 3 of 7
The conditional disable symbols are created by right-clicking on the project in the project explorer and selecting "Properties". You can't (AFAIK) set these from within a build specification.
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Message 4 of 7
A different approach that would get you to the same end point might be to utilize dynamic linking. In this situation, the code would always look for the plugin VIs in a known location (*.llb). Depending upon the desired execution environment you could install different libraries for the application to link to when it starts up. This would even be more flexible in that it would allow you to switch between normal and debug versions of the code without rebuilding the application.


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Message 5 of 7

yes, this thread is old, but my august 2009 search still turned it up, maybe somebody has some new insight...



as far as the dynamic linking advice,  wouldn't that mean i would have to keep up with two versions of code...  assuming the vi's in these libs were derived from a common code base that would have to be maintained, except for these conditional differences, like the debug statements.


how about just setting the conditional symbol for "debug" as true during development, and false before building the executable for delivery?

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Message 6 of 7
Why don't we have an preset conditional disable symbol for "IDE" and "Executable" so that we can handle differneces in behaviour between IDE and EXEs this way?
Message 7 of 7