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Configuration/Testing 6034E debian-linux (2.6.6)

I am simply trying to install and test my NI-6034E card in debian on 2.6.6. I have been told by an NI field engineer that the card should work on my system.

- When I try C example programs that are a part of the daqmxbase driver, I always get a reading of 0V. Even though I am certain that I am supplying 5V.
- Using "Acq One" and many other daqmxbase examples in labview 7.1 always yields the same error during runtime "Error 7 Occured at Open Open File". I am not doing anything complicated, I just want to see the voltage at AI0.

I've tried:
- Compiling the daqmxbase driver from src, however I get a complaint about my 2.6.6 driver not being compatible
- Compiling NIGPIB, same complai
nt about the kernel
- Initiating nidaqmxbase from /etc/init.d/ but it complains about not having "nirlpdrk.o" which is probably supposed to come from the driver

I am quite confused and would appreciate any help that may be provided.

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In the README for NI-DAQmx Base it states that only 2.4.* kernels are supported. This is still currently true. This is why the kernel module (which does all the register talking and DMA memory allocations) will not compile. I believe that GPIB has the same limitations currently.

As for the Open File error, do you know where it is coming from? The entire VI structure is open so you should be able to track it down a little further. That will help us help you with that issue. However, the kernel issue trumps this one and may be the cause at some level.

Randy Hoskin
National Instruments
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