I am simply trying to install and test my NI-6034E card in debian on 2.6.6. I have been told by an NI field engineer that the card should work on my system.
- When I try C example programs that are a part of the daqmxbase driver, I always get a reading of 0V. Even though I am certain that I am supplying 5V.
- Using "Acq One Sample.vi" and many other daqmxbase examples in labview 7.1 always yields the same error during runtime "Error 7 Occured at Open File.vi Open File". I am not doing anything complicated, I just want to see the voltage at AI0.
I've tried:
- Compiling the daqmxbase driver from src, however I get a complaint about my 2.6.6 driver not being compatible
- Compiling NIGPIB, same complai
nt about the kernel
- Initiating nidaqmxbase from /etc/init.d/ but it complains about not having "nirlpdrk.o" which is probably supposed to come from the driver
I am quite confused and would appreciate any help that may be provided.