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Configure a Real Time Desktop PC

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I'm tring so hard to convert a PC to RT Target. And I have a Big problem. RT Target comes successfully on Safe Mode, I can add some softwars on it but some softwars come with a error while adding : "The password you typed was incorrect. ..." . Anyway only with softewars which inistalled correctly that I think there are enough, Still I have problem in mode : "Boot Using Software Installed On The Hard Disk". In that mode although there is nothing wrong on Target monitor, The Target is shown Disconnected in MAX.

By the way I'm just using my RT Module licence, without that special deployment licence which comes whit an Ethernet board. But I'm not getting any error about licence.

Can anybody help me please...

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Message 1 of 20

You can check this article for more information on the requirements for a Real-Time Desktop:


And this guide for more detailed information on how to set the system up:


You will need to purchase a Real-Time Deployment license if you would like to use the Real-Time Desktop after the 7 day evaluation period.

Zach P.

Staff Software Engineer | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 20
Dear Zach I read these papers for million times! There is nothing wrong according to these papers. My Desktop PC which I’m tiring to convert is set by tables in Requirements Paper, I’m following steps just like Using Desktop PC as RT Target Paper But Still I have that special problems and I can’t use the PC as a Target in LV RT Project. When I try to run a simple LV test, Error appears saying couldn’t connect to Target. It’s obvious cause In normal mode ( Boot Using Software Installed On Hardware ) MAX shows the Target Disconnected. Although it’s OK in Safe Mode. Still Need Help Plz!
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Message 3 of 20

Please be more specific.  What is the full, exact text of the error messages you receive?  A screenshot might be helpful too.  Which software are you trying to install when the error appears?  Are you certain the networking is configured properly?  Have you tried reformatting and reinstalling the RT operating system?

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Message 4 of 20

When converting a PC to using RT, there are a number of things we need to know in order to help you:


  1. What version of RT are you using?  LVRT 2011SP1?
  2. What is the hardware you're using - namely, what kind of motherboard?  Nehalem-class, Sandybridge-class, etc.. if you know?
  3. What is the ethernet chipset being used?  It's probably the built-in ethernet, but does any of your documentation say what it is?
  4. When your RT target is not being found on the network, what is its IP address?  I need to know if the first two octets is 169.254 which means you've got a link-local address (the NIC device couldn't contact any external DHCP server, possibly due to a driver bug).
  5. How many NICs (network adapters) does your PC have?

These are the usual questions that can help me determine what's wrong.



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Message 5 of 20

You also may want to try reformatting the drive or just installing software in MAX while the target is in Safe Mode.

Zach P.

Staff Software Engineer | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments
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Message 6 of 20
- My Real Time Module is Version 11.0.0 - June 2011 - Mother Board : Gigabyte - GA-8VM800M-775 - CPU : Single Core Celeron 2.53 GHz - Ethernet card : Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter With chip Intel 82540EM Gigabit Controller - I use a Cross Over cable to connect my laptop which has LabVIEW 2011 and some Modules to the Target, In Safe Mode IP is Link Local , , Subnet Mask , Gateway and DNS Server But in Normal mode MAX shows the Target Disconnected and I don't know whats IP that time. I also tried using Router and DHCP but I got exact result and same problem like Link Local. - Target has one Intel Ethernet card which I use for connecting and one On Board Ethernet Plug which I think It's Chipset dose not mach with Requirements Table. - "Evaluate System" in USB Boot menu says that "Tested Configuration Is Compatible With LabVIEW Real-Time". - Here is what I do: 1- I make PC Utility USB Drive with MAX. 2- I use that USB Drive to boot PC. 3- Formatting Whole Hard Disk in Reliance mode using Format Options in Boot menu. 4- Rebooting Target, It comes automatically in Safe Mode, Connecting Target to my Laptop, Opening MAX. 5- In Remote Systems Tree my Target is Shown and in Software SubTree I click on Add/Remove Software. 6- A lot of softwares are there, I attempt to install all but an error comes. I cancel some softwares from install and it completes without error. 7- Target reboots BUT MAX shows the Target Disconnected! - Pic 1 and Pic 2 : Softwares I install on Target. - Pic 3 : Target Display when reboots after installing softwares. - Pic 4 : An Error which comes for some softwares.
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Message 7 of 20

It appears that you did not attach the images.


I suspect that your entire problem is the IP address.  What is the IP address of the connection on your laptop that you are using to connect to the Real-Time target?  The 169.254.x.x address is a default link-local address that indicates that you have not configured an address for the target.  If your laptop has a static address on a different subnet, you will not be able to connect to the real-time target. Try changing your laptop address to 169.254.x.y (something different than the real-time target's address) and see if you can connect.  If that works, set the real-time target's address to the same subnet as your laptop, reboot it, and restore the previous address on your laptop.  This should allow you to connect with the appropriate addresses.

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Message 8 of 20

Can you hook an external monitor to the PC's VGA port when the system is in Safe Mode (prior to software install) and in Run Mode (after software install)?  The IP address information should be listed on the screen of the PC.  If you're correctly connecting to the target via Safe Mode using a Link-Local IP address, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do the same in Run Mode.  


I'm thinking the issue we're seeing is either (1) network configuration problem in Run Mode, (2) bad software installation causing system instability, or (3) something else.


We really need to see the screen grabs you accidentally left out.



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Message 9 of 20


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