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Connecting LabVIEW to an Oscilloscope to Display Waveforms

Hello All,


I am Lawrence currently working on generating waveforms and pulse shapes using LabVIEW. The vi will be compiled onto a NI 7841 R series FPGA which should be able to spit out the waveforms onto an oscilloscope.


However, I want to be able to connect my computer to an oscilloscope to see how I can visualize the waveforms on an oscilloscope before I compile the code unto an FPGA and therefore these are my set of questions.


  • How can I connect LabVIEW to a digital oscilloscope?
  • Can I display a waveform in a vi on an oscilloscope? (see vi attached to the bottom)
  • Can I compile this unto an NI 7841 R series FPGA and how do I do that?
  • Will the FPGA be able put out that waveforms unto an oscilloscope after the compilation?
  • Connectors/Cables and connections to realize this (I know this is a bit weird but my first time working with NI FPGAs and FPGAs in general)

Thank you.

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Message 1 of 5
  • How can I connect LabVIEW to a digital oscilloscope? depends on the serial oscilloscope - USB, GPIB, SERIAL, EThernet, you wiill need a device to connect and the Instrument Drivers. 
  • Can I display a waveform in a vi on an oscilloscope? (see vi attached to the bottom)
    You can read the data from scope and display on the front panel VI on the computer. , not on the oscilloscope
  • Can I compile this unto an NI 7841 R series FPGA and how do I do that? that costs money. 
  • Will the FPGA be able put out that waveforms unto an oscilloscope after the compilation? are you asking if FPGA can generate the waveform that you can then read with an oscilloscope ? I can't open your vi (my version of labview is older) so I don't know what the waveform looks like, if it's digital , yes, if it's analog, it depens if your FPGA board has a Digital to Analog converter. 
  • Connectors/Cables and connections to realize this (I know this is a bit weird but my first time working with NI FPGAs and FPGAs in general) refer to the documentation. 
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Message 2 of 5

So I have the waveforms generated as shown in the screenshot attached. What I am looking to do is to be able to generate these waveforms from an NI 7841 R series FPGA.


Your submission suggests this will not be possible. Do I need an arbitrary waveform generator for this?


Thank you.

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Message 3 of 5

try search for waveform generation with NI 7841 R series FPGA

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Message 4 of 5

DDS Waveform Generation Reference Design for LabVIEW FPGA (Archived) is a good reference.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 5 of 5