12-09-2009 10:20 AM
I am using LV2009 and the question is how do I access a webserver with a username and password?
Thank you.
12-09-2009 10:37 AM
What I did once was to create a simple VI where people connecting to the WebServer needed to login and then got a certain time to work with the application. There are some properties to get the IPs of the connected users and other stuff where you can give or take control via WebServer, etc..
Hope this helps,
12-09-2009 05:19 PM
Thanks for that.
I want people to access my data on my account. I have data organised in directories and want people to access the data contained there in.
Dir 1
-Dir 2
-Dir 3
-Dir 4
Thank you
12-10-2009 01:28 AM