I have a LabVIEW 7.1 built executable that starts the LabVIEW Runtime engine on a remote Windows XP machine.
Once the remote LabVIEW is running, the local executable starts a vi on the remote machine.
The remote vi calls a dll which can take anywhere from 1 second to 100 seconds to return an answer.
My problem is this, whenever the remote dll call takes more than 30 seconds to respond, the local executable does not
wait for the return but simple begins operating again after 30 seconds. (This problem does not occur when the associated vi is run instead of the executable).
I use the Connection Info Method parameters (PingDelay and PingTimeout) to try and account for this problem. These parameters appear to work when
the vi is run but not when the associated executable is run.
Is there a bug with the Connection Info Method? Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something else?