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Connection Info Method parameters don't operate in executables built by LV

I have a LabVIEW 7.1 built executable that starts the LabVIEW Runtime engine on a remote Windows XP machine.
Once the remote LabVIEW is running, the local executable starts a vi on the remote machine.
The remote vi calls a dll which can take anywhere from 1 second to 100 seconds to return an answer.
My problem is this, whenever the remote dll call takes more than 30 seconds to respond, the local executable does not
wait for the return but simple begins operating again after 30 seconds.  (This problem does not occur when the associated vi is run instead of the executable).
I use the Connection Info Method parameters (PingDelay and PingTimeout) to try and account for this problem.  These parameters appear to work when
the vi is run but not when the associated executable is run.
Is there a bug with the Connection Info Method?  Am I doing something wrong?  Am I missing something else? 
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Message 1 of 4

When running a VI, a particular node or function will not execute until every single one of its inputs have been read from the previous function node.
If you incorporate this logic into your program architecture, you will not see the issue.  For example, try returning a variable such as an error cluster or some indicator from your remote VI that indicates that the call has been completed, and wire this in such a way where your subsequent action in your host program will not execute until it receives this data.

Also, if you go to your VI Properties, what options are selected under "Execution"?

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Thanks for the input.  There is a variable output from the remote vi and the architecture logic is as you described.  Even so, after ~30 seconds, the local vi continues just as if it had received information on the return variable.  The symptoms I see are as described in the Connection Info Method, except I don't see any errors.  

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How are you communicating between your host VI and your remote VI?  Are you using TCP/IP or network shared variables?

Is it possible that some of the functions you are using have timeouts that do not allow it to wait more than ~30s?

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