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Continuous Counter with Threshold Check using Queued Message Handler

Hi everyone,


I need to create a continuous counter in LabVIEW. The counter should increment whenever the input value exceeds a specified threshold. Additionally, the program should periodically check the status of this condition after a set interval.


I can upload my VI for reference if required.


Looking for guidance on how to implement this efficiently. Any tips or suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!



Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Yes, code would be nice (since I, for one, have no idea what it is you want to do).  A small compact Demo Project, with all TypeDefs and sub-VIs included, would be ideal, especially if "Save(d) for Previous Version" including LabVIEW 2019 and 2021.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hello, thanks for response, please find the file which is 2020 version of my vi. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

As they say, "Close, but no cigar!".  I requested "A small compact Demo Project, with all TypeDefs and sub-VIs included, would be ideal, especially if "Save(d) for Previous Version" including LabVIEW 2019 and 2021."  You sent only a "Main" VI, but there are no TypeDefs and other things that appear to be in a "Support" folder.


Can you make a copy of the Project Folder (I'm assuming that you have a folder that holds the Main, the .lvproj file, a folder called Support that maybe has TypeDefs and Sub-VIs, and maybe other pieces we might be interested in seeing.  If you copy the Folder and give it another name, you can delete from the folder things that are irrelevant or you don't want us to see.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9


these are the two versions of my folder 🙂 thank you

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Message 5 of 9

I am so sorry -- I expected that you were working on a LabVIEW "Project", a series of VIs and Controls and other things managed by a LabVIEW Project file (of the form "Project Name".lvproj), and when you opened the Project, you did a "Save for Previous Version) (which can sometimes pull in lots of extraneous stuff).


In your case, there are VIs, TypeDefs, and Libraries all "disconnected".  Do you have your Project in LabVIEW 2024 (which I don't have, but can probably "borrow" a colleague's PC to look at your code)?  If so, try to upload enough of your current "almost-working" LabVIEW Project so I can take a look without every single VI having all its "links" broken.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Oh I am so sorry for the inconvenience, I can surely upload the 2024 version. I believe this will work. thank you

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Message 7 of 9

I'm away at a meeting, but I got a colleague to open this and save it for me in a lower LabVIEW Version, so I'll take a look at it and (I hope) get something useful to you early next week.  I apologize for the delay, but I'll really try to be helpful ...


Bob Schor


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Message 8 of 9

no problem, thanks

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Message 9 of 9