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Contunies Triggered DAQ and Logging at 500KHZ using PCIe-6351 Card

I would like to acquire signal from two analog voltage channel during the 10 micro second camera image integration time window as seen in the attachment.

I have a common digital signal connected both to the 6351 card and to a camera to be used as a trigger signal to achieve continues synchronous DAQ in each time camera captures an image as seen in my attachment.

According to datasheet, the maximum sampling rate of the PCI6351 card is 1MS/s(aggregate)so it is my understanding that the maximum rate we can sample is 500KHz using both channels with internal clock. If so, during the 10 us camera integration time LabVIEW will be collecting around 5 samples per trigger in theory.

Data sheet also states the time between multiplexed measurements is dependent on the settling time that is dependent on the voltage range that is around 5 us that I am fine with as I am still within the time window of interest.

Each iteration during my continues finite element acqusition per trigger benchmarking that I did using simulated PCI6351 took around 20 ms and could not keep up with the desired sample rate.As part of the requirement, application should not rely on software and windows timing that it takes to operate DAQ-MX operations, so no user events allowed.

I think the card should be able to buffer the measurements after the hardware trigger and those can then be uploaded to the computer at a more relaxed rate during continues acqusiton. Right?

Could I use PCI-6351 card`s 4095 elements internal buffer for a continuous logging and sampling using internal clock that would be triggered per camera capture signal? 


Any sample code or feedback is appreciated!


Thanks & Regards ,

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Message 1 of 3

Hello sez,


my idea is to use the pause trigger, then only, when the signal from the camera is high the card capture values. You can play with the samples to see what packet size fits best for you.



best regards
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for your reply, I will try your suggestion.

Thanks & Regards ,

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