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Conversion of data acquired in FPGA mode

Dear LabVIEW community!


Is there a way, of how to setup sensors, which are read from C-module using cRIO+FPGA, to automatically scale data - let's say, via NI-MAX, and virtual TEDS configuration files? Or anyway, FPGA will return raw data, and we need to convert it manually in the code?


Thanks in advance!

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Hi Kosist90,


For cRIO different modules return fixed-point data with different configurations


−Based on accuracy and range of module values

−Some I/O nodes return scaled and calibrated fixed-point values


So you should tried with you module and see if you can use fixed point.

However, using the SGL data type on the FPGA will take a significant amount of FPGA resources, and it is still more efficient to use the fixed-point and integer data types to conserve FPGA resources.

My advice, Scale the data into the FPGA.


You could do is accesing TEDS info through the FPGA.


Best regards.


Sabri JATLAOUI - Certified LabVIEW Architect - Certified LabVIEW Developer
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