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Convert PID controller settings

I´m building a system where a mass flow controller is used to controll the nitrogen flow in a pipe. I´m going to use PID-regulation of the flow. The manufacturer gave us a calibration sheet with PID controller settings; P: 0.08, I: 5, D:0. But how to convert this so I can use them with Labviews
On wikipedia I found that Kp=P, Ti=Kp/I and Td=D/Kp, when converting from "ideal form" to "standard form", is this correct? The biggest problem I think is that wants SP and PV in % of max, so I use the and, as seen in the figure.  So should I scale the PID settings in the same way?
I´m not able to test how it works in reality because the FieldPoint system hasn´t arrived yet 😞 
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