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Convert project labview v2012 to v2018

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Message 11 of 16

Ok, but how will this program convert my .lib to the 2018 version?

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Message 12 of 16

You don't need convert the driver, you need install it

Message 13 of 16

Okay, my version of LV2018 already has the Agilent 34401 installed. What's next? How do I use this driver to be able to open my LV2012 applications?

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Message 14 of 16
Accepted by topic author rafael.assis16

Ok, I looked a little closer at your msg #3.  It's now clear that what's *definitely* missing from the LV 2018 installation folder hierarchy is the vi "" in the file "atmcd32d.llb" under the "user.lib" folder.   At the moment you took your screencap, LabVIEW happened to be searching for "" and was at that moment looking in a folder related to the Agilent 34401 in the "instr.lib" folder.  Kinda subtle and several of us missed that distinction.


Based further on the set of vi's that your project expects to find under "user.lib", probably most or all inside "atmcd32d.llb" (one more is seen in msg #5), I'm not so confident that a simple copy of "atmcd32d.llb" into the LV 2018 hierarchy is going to be *all* you need to do.  There may be dll files or other things that require installation rather than file copying.   For instance, I noticed that one of the functions is named "Add ECO for".


In general, things found under "user.lib" are*not* part of an NI-supplied LabVIEW installation.  That's either some other 3rd party driver, seemingly for a camera, or it could be utility code related to such a device that was added by someone else in the organization earlier in that project's life.


I guess you might still try copying atmcd32d.llb (and all other seemingly camera-related files) to the path LabVIEW expects to find it (under LV 2018 as seen in your msg #5 screencap).   But I'm less confident it'll work than I was the first time I suggested it.



-Kevin P

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
Message 15 of 16

My problem was in an SDK to control an external camera and the version of my software, which was made in LV2012 32bits and was installed the LV2018 64bits, as I have a specific library for 32bits gave error. To solve this I deleted all the versions of LV and installed only 2018 32bits, open my project and did the conversion, so far it is working. Thank you very much for the help, because you opened my eyes to some points that I was not seeing. Tks.

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Message 16 of 16