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Convert voltage to acceleration and simple test for signal verification

Hi users,


I am using an accelerometer for vibration measurements capacity of +/- 10,000 g. 


The accelerometer (single ended) is connected with a signal conditioning device to provide excitation/power supply on the accelerometer. The signal conditioning device is then connected with the NI PXIe-6361 module. I have attached the settings used for the power supply and acceleration certificate as well (red marks).


The voltage readings seems to work as they provide signals, but I would like to ask whether the conversion of voltage to acceleration units is correct in the attached vi. As I read from the manuals, the voltage is divided over the sensitivity of the sensor (V/ (mV/g)). On the other hand, each 1 volt corresponds to 1000 g and therefore, +/- 10 V = +/- 10,000g, as per the accelerometer specifications. Moreover, I would like to ask whether a simple test can be carried out to verify the readings (i.e. drop accelerometer or overturn it to read -1g?)


Is there any possibility to advise me what is going wrong with the acceleration setup please?


Many thanks.




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Message 1 of 5

Just a small comment. The nominal zero-g voltage is not zero as it will be the initial offset obtained from the average of the first 1000 points to make it zero. 



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Message 2 of 5

Have you tried using MAX while connected to your accelerometer?  Did you notice that you can create a Custom Scale that will allow you to specify the equation changing Volts into Acceleration (in whatever unit you want, i.e. g's, meter/sec/sec, etc.)?  You could save the Scale in MAX and then use it in your Create Channel function.  You can also specify the Scale using a DAQmx function, Create Scale, that also lets you specify the offset.  So you could start with a Scale that assumes a zero offset, take 1000 readings that are supposed to give you 0 (g's, for example), then "adjust" the Scale to take the offset into account.


As for calibrating your accelerometer, I would not "drop it".  You didn't mention if it is a 1-axis accelerometer or a multi-axis one.  I'm going to assume one axis, and that you are calibrating (or "zeroing") it with the axis horizontal, which should give you 0 g.  Note that turning it upside down should still give you 0 g.  However, turning it 90° so the axis points up or down should give you ±1g.  


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi Bob, 


The accelerometer is 1-axis as shown in the attached image. 


I guess that your recommendation would be to create a custom scale using DAQmx function using MAX scale. I have attempted to do it with the following values usign a table scale. 


Volts (V)   -   Acceleration (g)

-10      -      -10000 

   0      -      0 

+10      -      +10000


It does give an error, scale is wrong??? Even if you create a table, the <in place element structure> does not need to be placed to divide the voltage over the sensitivity of the accelerometer right?






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Message 4 of 5

I configured the accelerometers by creating a scaling table in MAX. They produce very high g values even with a small touch.


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Message 5 of 5