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Converting from LabView 4.0 to 8.5

Why don't you use one of the instrument drivers on this page:



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Message 31 of 81

I'm using it.

But my program does not succeed. (It runs, but does not measure correctly.)

Does it mean that I should work on this program written in 4.0 and that convertion from 4.0 to 8.5 does not affect on my work in 8.5?



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Message 32 of 81
You need to figure out why the latest driver is not working like you expect. Saying that is does not 'measure correctly' is not really providing much information. How about adding some details.
0 Kudos
Message 33 of 81

Hello, Dennis.

I can only say that I'm reading overload (1E+38) on HP3458A for mean value, while my input is 10V, 16Hz.

Standard deviation is allways 0,0000.



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Message 34 of 81
Can you measure the correct voltage when you manually setup the instrument? Set a breakpoint and when the VI takes the measurement, pause and go to manual mode. If you have to change some instrument setting to get the right reading, add/modify your code to do that as well. If the program is supposed to be making some setting and it's not, then you will have to isolate the bad VI and troubleshoot it. You might want to use NI-Spy if you suspect one of the VIs is not sending the correct command.
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Message 35 of 81

Can You please tell me what should I do if my NI Spy does not load?

I see message attached under.

I have downloaded newest version of NI-DMM (ver.290) and NI-488 (ver.2.6).



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Message 36 of 81
I have never seen that message and don't know why it would appear if you just start NI-Spy. NI-DMM is only used with DMM's from NI and you don't even need to have it installed.
Message 37 of 81

Hello, Dennis.

I've got my Capture.spy. Problem, while running NI Spy, was in NI Spy Options -> View Selection (I've included all of them).

I'm attaching You capture and hope You will understand where the error is.


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Message 38 of 81

You are getting error 14. Do you not see this in the LabVIEW program? For GPIB, the explanation is 'GPIB bus error'. This is a pretty generic error message. First, try a different GPIB cable and if possible, a different instrument and see if you can detect the instrument and do some basci communication in MAX. If you still get an error on the writes, I would suggest uninstalling all of the NI software (NI-488 and NI-VISA) and installing the latest versions of both. After, make sure to run all of the GPIB diagnostics.

Message 39 of 81
Can someone convert this driver for me? I think it was made in 4.0 and I have 8.5 and 8.6 Thanks!
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Message 40 of 81