02-03-2009 10:19 AM
Why don't you use one of the instrument drivers on this page:
02-04-2009 02:22 AM
I'm using it.
But my program does not succeed. (It runs, but does not measure correctly.)
Does it mean that I should work on this program written in 4.0 and that convertion from 4.0 to 8.5 does not affect on my work in 8.5?
02-04-2009 09:31 AM
02-05-2009 04:46 AM
Hello, Dennis.
I can only say that I'm reading overload (1E+38) on HP3458A for mean value, while my input is 10V, 16Hz.
Standard deviation is allways 0,0000.
02-05-2009 08:47 AM
02-06-2009 05:07 AM
Can You please tell me what should I do if my NI Spy does not load?
I see message attached under.
I have downloaded newest version of NI-DMM (ver.290) and NI-488 (ver.2.6).
02-06-2009 06:35 AM
02-09-2009 04:54 AM
Hello, Dennis.
I've got my Capture.spy. Problem, while running NI Spy, was in NI Spy Options -> View Selection (I've included all of them).
I'm attaching You capture and hope You will understand where the error is.
02-09-2009 09:24 AM
You are getting error 14. Do you not see this in the LabVIEW program? For GPIB, the explanation is 'GPIB bus error'. This is a pretty generic error message. First, try a different GPIB cable and if possible, a different instrument and see if you can detect the instrument and do some basci communication in MAX. If you still get an error on the writes, I would suggest uninstalling all of the NI software (NI-488 and NI-VISA) and installing the latest versions of both. After, make sure to run all of the GPIB diagnostics.
03-02-2009 12:16 PM