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Create Registry Access VI

In response to Q1 (smercurio_fc)- Why didn't I look at the access LabVIEW registry functions:

- I didn't think of it. I'm so used to finding all of the useful pieces of NI code password protected that the tought never occured to me.

In response to Point 2 (battler) - I should find some other way of doing what I want without having to access the registry, If I want to create a program that displays information on the "desktop" (Today page), the MS documentation tells me that I have to access certain registry parameters to do this.

In response to Q3 (rolfk) - why do I believe the standard VIs won't work?

They are not available in the mobile module VI pallete on the block diagram. Many other functions are not allowed to be used too (e.g. Front panel reference wires are an invalid wire type in a mobile project.)


I will have another go and see if I can learn from the existing VIs and repost my code for a review again if anyone is happy to look at if for me.

CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
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Message 11 of 14

James W wrote:

In response to Q3 (rolfk) - why do I believe the standard VIs won't work?

They are not available in the mobile module VI pallete on the block diagram. Many other functions are not allowed to be used too (e.g. Front panel reference wires are an invalid wire type in a mobile project.)


I'm not sure what the distribution restrictions are for those VIs, but if NI says it's OK to distribute them to you, we'd be happy to post them so you can use them, since the issue seems to be that you don't have them in the first place, and you're trying to recreate them from scratch.

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Message 12 of 14

Hi smercurio_fc,


I have found the problem with the Registry VI. (I have access it too - no neeed to post it.)

If you open any of the Registry VIs in a normal project, you will find that it contains the subVI "Registry Handle". This VI uses a reference wire and passes it out to each of the Registry VI functions that calls it.

The problem is that in a Mobile 6 Project, the reference wire type is an invalid wire type to have. For this reason, the Windows registry VIs are not available in Mobile 6 (possibly a Mobile 5 too - I haven't tried) and to I need to create my own registry function.

Work with the VI is ongoing in my spare time (lunch breaks etc, but has been slowed by moving me away from my LabVIEW machine at work into another building).



CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
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Message 13 of 14

Hoping this is getting there now. (should be 8.2 again)

1) Is it improved?

2) Have I followed the instructions given correctly?

and the question I really can't work out the answer to....

3) What is the class input for? how do I know what to set it too?


I'm trying to create a VI using the example setup in the notes above the code. I'm slightly confused by it though.


Thanks in advance for any help.

CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
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Message 14 of 14