06-19-2013 05:07 PM
Hello, for a job that i will start the next month I have to create a driver for some Non-NI instruments using labview.
Could you provide me some files where I can read how to do it, what kind of commands I need to use to comunicate with the instruments and so on?
THank you in advace.
06-19-2013 06:02 PM
learn to Google http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3271/en/
06-20-2013 07:42 AM
What instrument? What communication bus are you using? Does it have a programmer's guide? Did you look in the IDNet to see if there is already a driver written?
You are talking very generically. If you have more specifics, we can give better information.
06-20-2013 08:37 AM
Hi actually i don't know with what kind of instrument i'll have to comunicate. the question is generical because i want to start to study and read as much as i can so that i can have a background knowledge on those subjects 🙂
06-20-2013 09:31 AM
start here http://www.ni.com/white-paper/4803/en
There are a lot of good related articles.
06-24-2013 07:23 AM