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Create different arrays via a trigger from an AI



I'm trying to figure out how to implement a trigger into my program. I basically want this to happen:




if (AI2 = 3V)

        write data from AI1 to graph 1


if (AI2 = 4V)

        write data from AI1 to graph2



        do not write data to anywhere



I had thought of a case structure, but realised that not all of the outputs would be wired.


The problem with my VI is that the DAQ is reading from 50 channels  - would it be easier to try and create two separate arrays in the producer loop and then read from them separately in the consumer loop


OR to create a single array in the producer loop and then try to split the data in the consumer loop?


or is there a better way altogether?



Here's the VI as i'm working on it. I've stripped out a lot of the program that does other things (LED control, Digital input recording etc.)





"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome!"

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Message 1 of 6



I would avoid processing the measurements into two seperate arrays within the producer loop, as this may impact on the timing of your measurements.


I haven't been able to open your VI (I still haven't installed LabVIEW 9 yet!) but I've knocked up a quick example of how you could queue a single array in the producer and split it out in the consumer:




Hope this helps,



Charlie Rodway | Principal Software Engineer | Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)

Computer Controlled Solutions Ltd | NI Silver Alliance Partner | GDevCon#1 Sponsor

Message 2 of 6

Why can't the graphs be put inside two different cases which are triggered when one = 3 and the other = 4?   What outputs are you talking about?

Secondly, why graph a straight line?


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Message 3 of 6

Hi Broken Arrow,


Yep, just realised my mistake - I was originally building arrays in the consumer to add to graphs, but then changed to charts.









Charlie Rodway | Principal Software Engineer | Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)

Computer Controlled Solutions Ltd | NI Silver Alliance Partner | GDevCon#1 Sponsor

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Message 4 of 6

Cheers for the help Charlie, sorry but i thought that who ever would look at the post would also see the VI! Smiley Happy


Below are the consumer and producer loops of my VI. Originally i needed to produce 2 graphs in the word report which contained data from 2 separate AIs.


Now i want to use the integer value of the middle array (which goes to the max/min in the picture) to send only one array (the top one) to either graph 1 or graph 2 in the report. (the bottom array will now not be used at all).


Thanks for any help you can give,



"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome!"

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Message 5 of 6

Hi Chris,


I think I'm beginning to understand your dilemma now...


If you wire the top array through the case structure to either graph 1 or 2, then the output to the other graph will be unwired.  Is this correct?


I'm not sure you can achieve what you want with on-the-fly reporting.

Charlie Rodway | Principal Software Engineer | Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)

Computer Controlled Solutions Ltd | NI Silver Alliance Partner | GDevCon#1 Sponsor

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