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Create sequences of waveforms (or other) with different duty cycles and delay

Dear all,

I'm trying to:

1- build a user interface where people will be able to create their own sequence of acquisition (shown here as waveforms signals) with different frequencies and delays. I attached some examples.

2- program it via DAQmx to create analog signals to control different laser power and ON/OFF sequences.


Could you tell me if you have a clever idea to create a convenient user interface?

As you can see, I already tried to do something for 2 signals but it is really difficult and not convenient to use and I'm not totally able to do what I expect (delay and start one/some waveforms).

Best regards


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Message 1 of 3

Hi Sebastien,


@MAILFERTSeb wrote:

1- build a user interface where people will be able to create their own sequence of acquisition (shown here as waveforms signals) with different frequencies and delays.

Right now you show a scalar cluster in one of those images: to create a "sequence" you should need an array of clusters…


I prefer to show such items as a table or multicolumn listbox. Next to the listbox you can provide a way to edit the settings for each step of your sequence, the user selects the step to be edited by selecting a row in the listbox. IMHO that makes a nicer UI/UX…




A listbox showing a list of items. The user can select one item and edit its settings…


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 3

Dear GerdW,

thanks for your reply.

I never used Multicoloumn Listbox before but I'm happy to test your suggestion.

Could you send me your example as vi please?



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Message 3 of 3