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Creating Large "Choose One of the Following" Control

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I want to make a "Choose One of the Following Versions" control for User Interaction.  Ordinarily I would simply make an Enum with the appropriate values and let the User "choose".  However, I want a Big control, possibly bold and blue, so it stands out and makes for a more "user-friendly" Front Panel.


If it were a Numeric control, it is easy to set the size and Font of the entry, but an Enum doesn't appear to allow this.  So I thought of the Enum's Curious Cousin, the Text Ring.  It's easy enough to populate the Ring from the Enum, and the Ring does have a RingText.Font property, but when I try to wire something into this property, I get Error 1.  While writing this note, I checked to see if I could read it -- that works!  [It says that the Font is 15 point "App Font", color is 0, and no "options" are chosen].


Is this failure to write the RingText.Font property a Bug or a Feature?  Does anyone have an elegant way to approach this problem?


Bob Schor

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Accepted by Bob_Schor

You can have the enum selected, then just change the font size through the box at the top. You don't need to have the text selected to change the contained text. Is changing the attributes of the text programmaticaly required?



Edit: Added picture for clarity

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Message 2 of 3

Dad gum!  I tried that and it just didn't work for me.  But I tried it again, and it does.  Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep (or coffee) ...



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